TeamSupportResourcesCustomer StoriesStreamlining Supply Chain Operations One Link At A Time

Streamlining Supply Chain Operations One Link At A Time

QC Software was founded in 1996 on a vision to provide a standard supply chain automation solution that was modular, easy to configure, platform independent, and economical. Today the company has grown to be a leading innovative software solutions provider for warehousing and distribution, streamlining supply chain operations with the lowest total cost of ownership in the industry. The team at QC Software works closely with customers and partners to design, develop, market, install, and support the best possible WES/WCS solutions.

With the inherent belief that a satisfied customer is its greatest asset, QC Software is committed to providing the necessary tools for improving businesses by designing effective software for warehouse and distribution execution and control systems.

And it’s all based on integrity and value meant to last a lifetime. With TeamSupport, QC Software benefits from:

  • Decreased time to response
  • Easy access to information about customers and past tickets
  • Increased ability to track response rates

Download the case study.

The Business Challenge

QC Software was built from the ground up to be a leading innovative software solutions provider for warehousing and distribution by establishing strategic alliances with various systems integrators. E-mail was the “ticket management system,” and with no dedicated support team, developers were serving that purpose. As a result, their attention was taken away from product enhancements and new systems integrations to solve issues. Consequently, there was no tracking of tickets, determination of status, or visibility into trends. And even though the team at QC Software was lean, there were no adequate methods of communication internally among departments or externally with customers. Updates among co-workers were in passing—at the water cooler, so to speak—and if and when an issue was resolved, there was inconsistency in notifying the customer.

 “One of our core principles is that we believe a satisfied customer is our greatest asset,” said Deidre Esteves, QC Software’s customer support manager. “But we were having a difficult time delivering consistent customer support. We knew we needed a dedicated support team and a true B2B ticket management software solution to deliver on that promise.”

The Solution

Since implementing TeamSupport, QC Software has experienced these benefits and more:

  1. Valuable knowledge about each customer and their respective histories are stored in one place, with visibility to support, sales, product development, and leadership teams.
  2. Access to information from anywhere at any time is possible with a secure login.
  3. “We are now accountable to our customers,” says Alain Alejandro. They can refer back to past tickets, helping to inform support.
  4. Consistent track-ability and accountability for the support team, such as where they are spending their time and hours, and to the customers, such as annual usage of support hours.
  5. Any member of the support team can respond to a ticket and have visibility into the history of the customer, shortening response times and allowing for consistent status updates.

By building a repository of self-support resources in the Customer Hub, they will soon launch a robust Knowledge Base as a one-stop shop for all relevant tools, information, and resources.

Words Of Advice From QC Software

“Understand what type of support the provider(s) you are considering offer, not only during implementation and on-boarding, but on an ongoing basis. It’s one thing to put on a good dog and pony show on the front end but if they can’t back it up with ongoing support, then you won’t really have a true business partner.

 “At the end of the day, the customer support system you have is a representative of your company. If it doesn’t enable exemplary customer support, then your customers will question what kind of product or service they are actually getting from you.

 “Take advantage of free trial periods to get a feel for how the solution will work for your support organization. Once your new system is implemented, use it internally and make sure all of your customizations work seamlessly before releasing it to your customers.”