ServiceNow and TeamSupport Customer Support Software


The integration between TeamSupport’s customer support software and ServiceNow offers real-time updates to facilitate and streamline internal communications for technology companies. Our native ServiceNow integration links support tickets in TeamSupport to incidents into the ServiceNow Incident Management solution for faster resolution, greater visibility, and better collaboration between multiple departments and divisions.

For example, if you work with MSPs (managed service providers) or have an IT division that manages provisioning, you may find that there are times when your support agents need something from them in order to complete a support ticket. Rather than having to create another ticket and update two separate systems (TeamSupport and ServiceNow) agents can work in one system and get instant updates on incidents with no extra work. With the click of a button on the TeamSupport ticket the incident will be created and updated all in one place!

How It Works

  • When you link a ticket in TeamSupport it instantly creates an incident in ServiceNow
  • Sync types, severity, company and contact, address, actions and comments, and other custom mapped fields
  • Updates on the ServiceNow incident update the TeamSupport ticket instantly
  • You can sync both public (additional comment) and private (work note) actions from TeamSupport to ServiceNow
  • Ability to customize which Ticket Types and Action Types are synced to ServiceNow

Key Features

  • TeamSupport tickets link to ServiceNow incidents
  • Link a ServiceNow incident with multiple tickets in TeamSupport
  • Changes in ServiceNow update TeamSupport
  • Actions and Comments are synced real-time between TeamSupport and ServiceNow
  • Smooth and transparent line of communication
  • Saves your team a great deal of time so they can focus on customers

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